A Little About Me

My name is Christopher William Borchardt. I was born and raised in beautiful Baldwin County,Alabama in the former small town of Foley. I grew in a loving household with my father William, mother Susan, and older brother Jeremy. I enjoy the outdoors and nature in gereral. Running and fishing have always been incorporated with my love for the outdoors. My entire immediate family are currently teaching. One might think that is why I have chosen to take that path. Yes that is partially why, but my passion for teaching comes from my own heart.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Achievements and Accomplishments

When I become a teacher I expect myself to hit the ground running. Upon the first day of class I want to use the best of my abilities until the the day that I retire. Teaching students will be the first of my achievements and how well I can teach will be my first accomplishment. Just to have the statute of a teacher means the world to me.
I am not striving for any awards or promotions, although I wouldn't deny them, that is not my number one priority. Having students who admire me and love my class will be the top of the mountain. To see those students become successful themselves and always remember me. For myself I still see some of my favorite teachers from time to time and they are just as thrilled to see me as the first day in class. I for myself feel the same way. Seeing someone that had an impact of your development will never grow old.
The best example is my father. He taught at Foley High School beginning in 1979. Today it seems that everywhere he goes someone recognizes him and the former student is thrilled to meet again as well as my father. Watching someone grow and mature into an adult. I can only wish for that in my life. Knowing that I made an impact and that I will be remembered.

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